65–80 of 1862 Results

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  • 6-channel electrocardiogram machine by Hilmedics brand
    Sku: Deal2024008

    6-Channel ECG Machine (Hil Medics)

  • 6-channel electrocardiogram machine by Zone Care brand
    Sku: Deal2024004

    6-channel ECG machine (Zonecare)

  • 1. Supplyvoltage 2. Electriccurrent : 220V AC 50 HZ : 11A 3.Frequency : 2400W 4.Power : 300L/min 5. Capacity discharge : 0.8MPa 6.Air container volume : 90 L 7.Noise : 60-70dB
    Sku: ZN2023078

    6EW-90 air compressor

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  • Hot
    Sku: ZN2023533

    8 Bucket Centrifuge

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  • WA-913 – Walking Frame Model 913 withoot wheels WA-915 – Walking Frame Model 915 withoot wheels WA-918- Walking Frame Model 918 with wheels
    Sku: ZN2024046

    913 Without Wheels

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  • SP-640 Spare Castor(wheels) 5.5 with brake SP-650 Spare Castor (wheels) 5.5 without brake SP-641 Spare Pneumatic Wheel sie 24 inch for wheelchairs SP-642 Spare Solid Wheels siÇŚe 24 inch for wheelchairs SP-560 Invalid Crutches Tips
    Sku: ZN2024047

    918 With Wheels

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  • With box temperature control mode; Set the temperature and the inside temperature split-screen display; Dual CPU control system, independent over -temperature cut-of device of the triple overtemperature protection; Natural air duct humidification; Products with self-test function, a variety of fault alarm; The front panel has a function of temperature can be corrected Baby compartment closed with automatic locking function; A temperature data storage function; With RS -232 interface.
    Sku: ZN2023390

    A-100 Baby Incubator

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  • Mild skin temperature with two kinds of tank temperature control; The set temperature, the inside temperature, skin temperature split-screen display; Dual CPU control system, independent over-temperature cut-of device of the triple over-temperature protection; Natural air duct humidification; Cots step-less adjustable lt function; Products with self-test function, a variety of fault alarm; Spiral duct and AC and DC motors produce centrifugal supercharger, the overall aluminum tank; The front panel has a function of temperature can be corrected; Skin temperature sensor has come of protection function; Baby compartment closed with automatic locking function; A temperature data storage function; With oxygen input interface; With RS -232 interface. Basic Configuration: Host (including baby cabin, chassis, controller), infusion stand & trays, racks, skin temperature sensor. Optional Configuration: >37 c Temperature setting mode, lift the cabinet, feet, weighing device, can use low-noise DC motor Optional Configuration: DECG & IUP, Foetal Stimulator, Telemetry Transducer System
    Sku: ZN2023391

    A-200 Baby Incubator

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  • Air mode and baby mode servo-controlled by a microcomputer. Humidity concentration control system Oxygen concentration control system Set temperature, air temperature, baby temperature, humidity concentration and Oxygen concentration are displayed separately >37 C temperature set function Inclination of the bassinet is adjustable Multiple failure alarm indications Embedded integrated sensor box and drawer-type water reservoir; Double wall hood, automatic air circulation device RS-232 connector. Use DC motor with low noise. Optional configuration: Fixed neonate bilirubin phototherapy equipment, Vertical Height Adjustment cabinet (VHA stand). Weighing system.
    Sku: ZN2023392

    A-400 Baby Incubator

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  • abia hCG is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of intact human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration in human serum. Kit Contents; hCG Ab coated plate  1 plate Conjugate 12 ml Sample diluent  25 ml Calibrator 0    2 ml Calibrator 1  0.5 ml Calibrator 2    0.5 ml Calibrator 3   0.5 ml Calibrator 4    0.5 ml Control serum  0.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold)    50 ml TMB/substrate solution  12 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4   25 ml Protective film  1 Plastic dish  2 Plastic zip-lock bag  1
    Sku: ZN2023615

    AB Diagnostic abia hCG Elisa Kit

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  • abia Testosterone enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of testosterone concentration in human serum. Kit Contents; Testosterone Ab coated plate  1 Conjugate       1 Ă— 12 ml Calibrator 0   1 Ă— 0.5 ml Calibrator 1   1 Ă— 0.5 ml Calibrator 2   1 Ă— 0.5 ml Calibrator 3     1 Ă— 0.5 ml Calibrator 4     1 Ă— 0.5 ml Calibrator 5     1 Ă— 0.5 ml Control serum  1 Ă— 0.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold)  1 Ă— 50 ml TMB/substrate solution 1 Ă— 12 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4  1 Ă— 25 ml Protective film  1 Plastic dish  2 Plastic zip-lock bag  1
    Sku: ZN2023616

    AB Diagnostic abia Testosterone Elisa Kit

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  • abia Treponema Ab is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in human serum or plasma. The assay is intended for screening for potentially infectious samples to prevent their use as donor materials. Kit Contents; T. pallidum Ag coated plate  1 plate Conjugate diluent  12 ml Positive control (inactivated)  2.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold)  50 ml Substrate buffer    25 ml Protective film    2 Zip-lock plastic bag   1 Conjugate (concentrated 11-fold)  1.2 ml Sample diluent  14 ml Negative control (inactivated)   2.5 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold)   2.5 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4  25 ml Plastic dish  2
    Sku: ZN2023617

    AB Diagnostic abia Treponema Ab Elisa Kit

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  • Abia FSH is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentration in human serum. FSH Ab coated plate: 1 plate Conjugate: 12 ml Calibrator 0: 2 ml Calibrator 1: 0.5 ml Calibrator 2: 0.5 ml Calibrator 3: 0.5 ml Calibrator 4: 0.5 ml Calibrator 5: 0.5 ml Control serum: 0.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 50 ml TMB/substrate solution: 12 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 25 ml Protective film: 1 Plastic dish: 2 Plastic zip-lock bag: 1
    Sku: ZN2023618

    AB Diagnostic FSH Elisa Kit

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  • Abia HBs Ag is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of wild types and mutant variants hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in human serum or plasma. Abia HBs Ag DK.013.01.3 (Packaging Contents): HBs Ab coated plate: 1 plate Conjugate 1 (concentrated 11-fold): 1.4 mlConjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold): 1.4 ml Positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Low positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Negative control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Conjugate 1 diluent:14 ml Conjugate 2 diluent: 14 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 50 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold): 2.5 ml Substrate buffer: 25 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 25 ml Protective film: 3 Plastic dish: 2 Plastic zip-lock bag: 1   Abia HBs Ag DK.013.05.3 (Packaging Contents): HBs Ab coated plate: 5 plates Conjugate 1 (concentrated 11-fold): 3.5 ml Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold):3.5 ml Positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Low positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Negative control (inactivated): 5 ml Conjugate 1 diluent: 36 ml Conjugate 2 diluent: 36 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 240 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold): 7 ml Substrate buffer: 70 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 90 ml HBs Ab coated plate: 5 plates Conjugate 1 (concentrated 11-fold): 3.5 ml Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold): 3.5 ml Positive control (inactivated): 2.5  Low positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Negative control (inactivated): 5 ml Conjugate 1 diluent: 36 ml Conjugate 2 diluent: 36 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 240 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold): 7 ml Substrate buffer: 70 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 90 ml Protective film: 15 Plastic zip-lock bag: 5 Protective film:15 Plastic zip-lock bag: 5
    Sku: ZN2023619

    AB Diagnostic HBs Ag Elisa Kit

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  • Abia HCV Ab is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum or plasma. Abia HCV Ab (D.K.067.01.3): HCV Ag coated plate: 1 plate Conjugate 1: 10 ml Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold): 2 ml Conjugate 2 diluent: 10 ml HCV Ab positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Negative control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 50 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold): 2.5 ml Substrate buffer: 25 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 25 ml Protective film: 2 Plastic dish: 2 Plastic zip-lock bag: 1 Abia HCV Ab (D.K.067.05.3): HCV Ag coated plate: 5 plate Conjugate 1: 50 ml Conjugate 2 (concentrated 11-fold): 7 ml Conjugate 2 diluent: 75 ml HCV Ab positive control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Negative control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 240 ml TMB (concentrated 11-fold): 7 ml Substrate buffer: 70 ml Stopping reagent 0.2M H2SO4: 90 ml Protective film:10 Plastic zip-lock bag: 5
    Sku: ZN2023620

    AB Diagnostic HCV Ab Elisa Kit

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  • Abia HEV IgG is an enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) in human serum or plasma. The assay is intended for screening for potentially infectious samples. Abia HEV IgG DK.029.01.3: HEV Ag coated plate: 1 plate Sample diluent: 12 ml Conjugate (concentrated 21-fold): 1 ml Conjugate diluent: 20 ml HEV Ab positive control (inactivated):1.2 ml Negative control (inactivated): 2.5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 50 ml TMB (concentrated 21-fold): 2.5 ml Substrate buffer: 25 ml Stopping reagent 0.75M H2SO4: 25 ml Protective film: 2 Plastic dish: 2 Plastic zip-lock bag: 1 Abia HEV IgG DK.029.05.3: HEV Ag coated plate: 5 plates Sample diluent: 50 ml Conjugate (concentrated 21-fold): 4 ml Conjugate diluent: 75 ml HEV Ab positive control (inactivated): 2.4 ml Negative control (inactivated): 5 ml Washing solution (concentrated 25-fold): 240 ml TMB (concentrated 21-fold): 7 ml Substrate buffer: 70 ml Stopping reagent 0.75M H2SO4: 90 ml Protective film: 10 Plastic dish: 0 Plastic zip-lock bag: 5
    Sku: ZN2023621

    AB Diagnostic HEV IgG Elisa Kit

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