Sugentech Inclix CRP Test Kit
  • This test quantitatively measures C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration in whole blood, serum and plasma using the INCLIX™ analyzer. For in vitro diagnostic use only.
  • C-reactive protein (CRP) is synthesized by the liver and is one of the acute phase proteins. In the acute phase response, increased concentrations of a number of plasma proteins, including CRP, are observed. CRP concentration measurements are useful in the detection and evaluation of inflammatory disorders, tissue injury, and infections.
  • Low level of CRP can be the indicator of cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy people. However, increases in CRP are nonspecific and should be interpreted in the context of a complete clinical evaluation. Apparently healthy individuals with an elevated hsCRP value should have the test repeatedly to rule out a recent response to undetected infection or tissue injury.
  • This test is a rapid test based on immunochromatography technique “lateral flow” using highly specific monoclonal antibodies. The detection antibody-gold conjugate and CRP leads to the generation of a reddish coloured band on the strip. The intensity of the band depends on the quantity of CRP molecules and is analyzed by INCLIX™ analyzer for quantitative readout.