A safe and effective method of surgical abortions for up to 12 weeks of pregnancy
Quiet procedure meets clients’ needs for privacy
Enables raster recovery limes compared to operating room procedures
Can be performed without the need for a specialist set up or operating theatre
98% effective with low complication rates, recommended by the WHO
Safe alternative to sharp curettage
Reduces procedural costs by performing procedures in an outpatient setting
No need for general anesthesia
Single-valve Syringe sizes: 24.5cm length, 3cm diameter, 60ml volume, 375 mm Hg vacuum
Easy to operate
Cannula is named by its diameter (e.g. 4mm cannula’s diameter is 4nun).
Current cannula sizes are 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11 mm and 12mm.
Length: 23.0cm length
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