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  • The Vivo 50* Life-Support Ventilator combines highquality technology with robust, premium Scandinavian design to provide excellent patient treatment in home and portable in various environments. Thanks to the user-friendly configuration of pressure and volume regulated modes; the treatment can be personalized to the patient’s needs. The Vivo 50 ofers the possibility to use a leakage circuit when applying VCV (Volume Control Ventilation). This, together with eSync technology and a full range of settings, leads to a strong combination of performance and lexibility.
    Sku: ZN2024642

    Vivo 50

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  • An Enhanced Anesthesia Workstation Maximum Technical Performance, Contemporary and Ergonomic Design, Incorporating the Maximum Patient Safety in Daily Anesthesia Practice, With Small Footprint and Compact Size Is Appropriate for Any Environment Where Space Is Limited. The WATO EX-65 Pro Takes the Recognized Feature-Rich Anesthesia Workstation to the Next Level. Modern Anesthesia Ventilators Offer A Wide Variety Of Ventilation Modes, Enabling Complex Ventilation Care For The Critically Ill Patient. WATO EX-65 Pro’s Ventilator Has Unique Volume Guarantee Modes To Deliver Desired Total Volume To The Patient In PCV And SIMV Modes Features: 15 Inch Touch Display Flat Menu Design: Maximum 2-Steps for Vent Mode Settings Smart Ventilator with All Needed Ventilation Modes (VCV, PCV, PCV-VG, SIMV, PS and CPAP) Pnp Gas Module Loops and Waveforms On One Page The New (Optional) Integrated Air Compressor Is Designed to Drive The Ventilator. Etco2 and Capnogram With 3 Options: Lsidestream/Microstream/Mainstream 5 Agents with Auto-Identified BIS (Bispectral Index) – Single Wide Module or Combining with The Gas Module Integrated, Flexible and  Autoclavable Breathing Circuit With Heating System   Click Here To Download Catalogue
    Sku: ZN2023014

    WATO EX-65 Anesthesia Machine

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